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Where we are


For more than eight centuries, the terroirs of Priorat have been rewarding us with the finest fruits in the world for making unique wines. Centuries-old, low-production vines with small, highly concentrated bunches.

Surrounded by mountains and cut by the winding Siurana river and its tributaries, Priorat is in an idyllic setting in the south of Catalonia. Its hills, contrasting weather and soil pose a great challenge to vine growers, but the reward for a job well done is a grape whose unique quality allows us to make wines that are renowned around the world.


One of the unique features of the land in Priorat is its characteristic terroir. The land is rough with steep slopes where the vines grow, taking root in the licorella, a unique slate substrate.


The contrasting climate is also present: the south wind makes it temperate, but there are also cold winds from the north. This translates into long, hot summers and cold, dry winters, which results in a strong and concentrated grape.


Priorat would not be what it is without the constant work of countless generations of wine growers. Tradition and customs are still part of how we work, but we also rely on new technologies to continue improving.

Bellmunt del Priorat

In the heart of Priorat is our Mas Blanc estate, near the town of Bellmunt del Priorat, where the Tetas family has been working hard for decades to make this estate and its 18 hectares a veritable marvel of agricultural engineering.

The result of this great endeavor? Miles of terraces with autochthonous varieties of grapes, such as Garnacha and Cariñena, combined with perfectly adapted foreign varieties, like Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah and Merlot.